Hello, beautiful BuzzFeed readers. In the interest of being judgemental (in a fun way... of course), I am coming to you today to ask: what are the things in people's homes that scream they're terrible with money?
Maybe your friend in their 20s has normal 20-something furniture... except for one teensy, tiny, GINORMOUS pool table. Or Smart™ coffee table. Or "cool," giant neon sign... or something equally ostentatious! Tell me about it!
Maybe it's not a big purchase that you notice, but small, tell-tale signs, like always having the trash can full of takeout boxes, or always having the latest must-have makeup items. What clues are you picking up?
Perhaps you have a friend who always has to follow the latest online trend re: home decor, like covering their bathroom in peel-and-stick tile, or covering their kitchen counters in peel-and-stick tile. It might be renter-friendly, but is it budget friendly? Share down below!
Or maybe, in a more lighthearted tone, they spend all their money on something wholesome — tons of books, for example, or collecting something niche like perfumes, or funding their cosplay hobby. I want to hear about it!
Whatever you want to share, I'd love to hear about it in the comments down below! Or, if you prefer, feel free to check out this anonymous Google Form. Who knows — your comment may be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed article!