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    17 Products Under ₹1,000 That'll Definitely Help You Fulfill Your 2022 Workout Resolution

    May 2022 be the year you finally fulfill this resolution!

    1. A 4.5-star rated non-slip foam pull-up bar that you can install in any doorway to help you build your upper body strength or to give your legs a good stretch - ₹849

    A woman pulling herself up on a pull-up bar

    2. Or a push-up bar that reduces strain on wrists and helps you train your triceps as well as your upper arms - ₹333

    3. Give yourself a sweaty workout with this childhood favourite, a skipping rope - ₹474

    4. Speaking of things from childhood, this Hoola Hoop is a worthy option that helps exercise effortlessly and gain better balance - ₹295

    An orange and green hoola hoop.

    5. If you're going to do ab workouts, you might as well as get in the proper position for them. Use this pad to do just that - ₹849

    6. A non-slip yoga mat that'll make you feel like a true pro as you try to balance yourself for that Yoga pose - ₹449

    A man doing a yoga pose on a mat

    7. Start your year at the 2kg dumbbells and eventually watch in awe as you build your strength up to 6kg - from ₹402

    A pair of green and black dumbbells.

    8. A pack of resistance bands with varying difficulty levels so you can add a little bit more intensity to your leg workouts - ₹299

    A woman exercising with the glute resistance band on

    9. A kettlebell that you can get in sizes from 2kg to 48kg, to help you in muscle toning as well as core stability - from ₹462

    A black kettlebell.

    10. An ab roller that'll get you one step closer to those abs you promised you'd have by the end of 2021 but life had other plans - ₹279

    A yellow ab roller

    11. A foam roller which will make you feel so relaxed after that intense workout and it'll help ease muscle tension - from ₹535

    A blue foam roller

    12. An anti-burst yoga ball that you can use for everything from pilates to yoga to crunches - ₹999

    A woman exercising on a yoga ball

    13. An ab exerciser so you can slowly build your way up to those well-defined abs - ₹449

    14. A pair of core sliders that'll let you work your core and arms in sooo many different ways - ₹399

    A man doing an exercise with the core sliders on his feet

    15. A heavy resistance band that's going to work out basically every part of your body - ₹746

    A hand pulling the band up

    16. A sit-up assistant that you can use for a variety of other core and leg-related exercises to really feel the burn - ₹669

    A woman using the sit-up assistant

    17. And finally, wrist weights to help you burn some extra calories while doing every day things like walking or cleaning - ₹299

    A pair of weighted blue wrist bands