18 Mildly Annoying Pictures That Might Piss You Off A Little Bit

    Enough internet for today.

    If you've ever gone down the r/mildlyinfuriating rabbit hole on Reddit, you know that it's a place that'll leave you fidgety and scratchy. Here are some ~annoying~ instances that I just couldn't ignore!

    1. This teeny tiny gap that's just so unfortunate.

    A person trying to plug in a wire

    2. These Scrabble letters that look like sound effect subtitles.

    Scrabble tiles A, I, and O

    3. This product design that's defeating the entire purpose of the product.

    A pair of scissors packaged in such a way that you'll need another pair to open it

    4. The amount of cinnamon in this "cinnamon roll".

    A cinnamon roll with barely any cinnamon filling

    5. This "unfortunate" cookie that proves that we cannot escape marketing and ads anywhere!

    A fortune cookie with an ad inside

    6. This transatlantic robbery.

    A screenshot of a stolen iPhone's location

    7. This chopping technique that makes me go, "Why???"

    A tomato chopped roughly

    8. This sneaky little job by a mischievous gremlin.

    Cat paw prints on a wet epoxy counter

    9. This "world famous" cucumber salad that will make Gordon Ramsay scream and shout.

    Slices of cucumber and tomato

    10. This person stole someone's credit card and then complained when they cancelled their flight. Talk about being entitled.

    A screenshot of an email

    11. Running hot water at a $550/night hotel in Paris. The city really isn't as aesthetic and pretty as it seems.

    Yellowish brown water running out of a tap

    12. When this person ate blueberry waffles only to realise that it was mould. Gagging and crying.

    A person holding a mouldy waffle

    13. This person's partner throws away their daily contacts behind the bed's headboard. I don't even know how they're putting up with it, lol.

    Contact lenses strewn on the floor

    14. When this person's sister kept this pot with rice stuck to the bottom in the fridge. This is just going to amp up the sibling rivalry, sigh.

    A pot with rice stuck to the bottom.

    15. This calligraphy that leaves so much room for interpretation.

    Illegible handwriting

    16. Well. I really do not have any words.

    Airplane seats with trash strewn around

    17. When this person went for a 10-minute walk and came back with 40 ticks. Eeeeeeeep.

    Ticks in a box

    18. And, delulu is the only solulu, clearly.

    An HR training screenshot